79X IT'S TAX TIME Why Wait To File Your Taxes? Offering Refund Advances Up to 6,000!* Starting 01-02-2020 FILE TODAY! MIDWEST FINANCE D62807 & INCOME TAX SERVICE 600 Gregg St. * Big Spring, Texas Se Habla Español THEENIT (432) 263-1353 *Some restrictions may apply, see store for details. *Interest may apply ONE DO UNITED STA OEADIPU 69808 CHE OFAM 19506973 15194467 THE 79X IT'S TAX TIME Why Wait To File Your Taxes? Offering Refund Advances Up to 6,000!* Starting 01-02-2020 FILE TODAY! MIDWEST FINANCE D62807 & INCOME TAX SERVICE 600 Gregg St. * Big Spring, Texas Se Habla Español THEENIT (432) 263-1353 *Some restrictions may apply, see store for details. *Interest may apply ONE DO UNITED STA OEADIPU 69808 CHE OFAM 19506973 15194467 THE