Dr. Rudy Haddad Board Certified in Urology Fellow American College of Surgeons Adults and Pediatrics Urology - Office Treatment of Enlarged Prostate Profile (instead of Surgery) - Urinary Bladder Control Problem with Medication (Simple Outpatient Procedure Available) - Kidney Stones with Laser & Shockwave Technology Available Locally 24/7 |- Sexual Dysfunction - Low Testosterone Syndrome - Vasectomies Randy Hadad M.D. (432) 714-4600 1501 W. 11th Place Suite 103 Big Spring, Tx 79720 290572 Dr. Rudy Haddad Board Certified in Urology Fellow American College of Surgeons Adults and Pediatrics Urology - Office Treatment of Enlarged Prostate Profile (instead of Surgery) - Urinary Bladder Control Problem with Medication (Simple Outpatient Procedure Available) - Kidney Stones with Laser & Shockwave Technology Available Locally 24/7 |- Sexual Dysfunction - Low Testosterone Syndrome - Vasectomies Randy Hadad M.D. (432) 714-4600 1501 W. 11th Place Suite 103 Big Spring, Tx 79720 290572