Host an Exchange Student! share your home for a year, ena a friendsnp far a lfetme Make a difference helpijing students from around the world Enrich your family with another culture .Students available from over 50 countries Local support throughut the year Cal us TOday! 800.473.0696 asse Founded in 1976 ASSE International Student Exchange Program is a non-profit public benefit organization For privacy reasons photo above is not a photo of an actual student 291794 Host an Exchange Student! share your home for a year, ena a friendsnp far a lfetme Make a difference helpijing students from around the world Enrich your family with another culture .Students available from over 50 countries Local support throughut the year Cal us TOday! 800.473.0696 asse Founded in 1976 ASSE International Student Exchange Program is a non-profit public benefit organization For privacy reasons photo above is not a photo of an actual student 291794